"Your roots are as alive as your menu is": finding one's cultural roots through food with Anupy Singla
In the latest episode of the Speaking of Phenomenal podcast, host Amy Boyle welcomes entrepreneur Anupy Singla.
"Your roots are as alive as your menu is": finding one's cultural roots through food with Anupy Singla
Chasing mindfulness with Alessandra Chiareli: How witnessing a solar eclipse can teach us to be present in the moment
A masterclass on the art of pitching with the #KillerPitchMaster Precious Williams: how to embrace and communicate your true value
Promoting food literacy with Carolyn Federman: how innovative mobile kitchens can help U.S. children make important food decisions
The courage to stop: how moments of pause increase our self-awareness and ability to care for those we love
The joy of giving with philanthropy expert Lisa Dietlin: her journey from politics to the nonprofit sector and the secret to a happy day