Meet Katie:
In her own words...

"Imagine a little girl, three years old, stretched out on her back in the summer grass, watching the clouds float by. Each one a new possibility, all a path to the sky - a rocket, an airplane. Then a real airplane roars by and her heart leaps with excitement! She sees herself in that plane, traveling the world. Meeting unique people in every corner of the Earth. A door in that girl’s imagination opened, and it was only the beginning.
As a girl, I loved all things air travel and space. My parents indulged my obsession and I flew through every book I could get my hands on. They sent me to space camp where I dreamed of travel beyond our atmosphere. My dad taught me to build and launch model rockets and planes. Best of all, the summer I was 15, they allowed me to start flight lessons in a small 2-seat airplane!
Feeling the rumble of the engine, hearing the rush of the wind, seeing the ground fall away as the plane lifts into the air, was awe-inspiring, and still is more than 20 years later. I am blessed and honored to safely fly people on their journeys around the world as a pilot at Delta Air Lines.

As much as my love of flying permeates my self-identity, there is more. Women are multifaceted and complex. We love our friends and families, hobbies, and the world that surrounds us. I am no different.
While my father taught me about model planes, my mother taught me about servant leadership. Now that my oldest daughter is in grade school, I lead her Girl Scout troop. I strive to help them act on their dreams as I have acted on mine.
The girls create, act, run, and laugh, while digging deep inside to find their personal passions and strengths. They examine the community and use their voices to make it an even better place. Each year we have a variety of experiences - from rock wall climbing to attending live theater, from delivering books to NICU patients to preparing and serving a meal for 50 at a foster facility. These girls are growing up to be powerful leaders of tomorrow and I’m honored to be a part of their journey.

My faith is another integral part of who I am. When not flying or camping with the girls, I volunteer at our church. My primary job is to lead the Vacation Bible School each summer. We share love, crafts, science experiments, and service projects with all ages.
All these things are part of who I am, but none would be possible without all the people in my life. My parents raised me to dream, and follow my dreams. My scouts keep me curious and learning new things. My daughters inspire me to live my dreams every day. My husband supports me with encouragement, collaboration, and managing the daily minutiae that demands unending attention.
We are all Phenomenal Women. We go out every day to pursue our dreams, big and small. Some days we are lucky enough to lift off and soar. I wish you clear skies and calm winds as you soar to reach your dreams."
*** Please follow along on instagram as well and learn more about Katie. 52 Phenomenal Women is now in its second year! This is week 29 of 52.

Participants in this project will be supporting the efforts of Dress for Success Worldwide – Central. We are all stronger together and it is my sincere hope that we will be inspired by each other’s stories. Now is the time to celebrate as well as encourage one another. Tell your story!***